Saturday, 8 December 2007

House of Nimrod - EP (1967-68)

House of Nimrod - EP (1967-68)

These Kiwis had other ideas when it came to writing a pop song, these four songs show just how far out australasians could go. This record blows a lot of records with ledgendary status away.
You will float away to this one!
Posted & Reviewed by Oak Acetator


Robert Charbonnier said...

This song slightly delic is a masterpiece. Thank you for this record. It's a must.

popcat said...

Really great stuff. My favorite is Psychothartic. Just discovered your blog. Very nice things here. Keep up the good work and thanks!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

zshare links don't work, keep reopening zshare page, whats up are the links dead

Anonymous said...

please reup

Unknown said...

Bryce ended up a product of the drugs. He is on trial at the moment for rape of his granddaughter. hes such a lovely guy, i should know i'm his daughter.

Anonymous said...

Links dead...